List of products by brand Rui Roboredo Madeira . Vinhos do Vale do Douro
The entire VDS - Vinhos do Douro Superior capital was purchased by Rui Roboredo Madeira in 2013 that changed the company’s name to Rui Roboredo Madeira, Vinhos do Vale do Douro (Wines from the Douro Valley). This change strives to infuse the wines with the producer’s personal touch and his dedication to a project founded by him and to which he has devoted a large part of his life.
The entire VDS - Vinhos do Douro Superior capital and changed the company’s name to Rui Roboredo Madeira, Vinhos do Vale do Douro (Wines from the Douro Valley). This change strives to infuse the wines with the producer’s personal touch and his dedication to a project founded by him and to which he has devoted a large part of his life
«In one of the most remote areas of the Iberian Peninsula, on the border between the Douro Superior and Beira Alta regions, it was among family that my passion grew for the aromas and smells of this land that shapes our character. After coming into contact with many cultures of living and making wine, in various parts of the globe, I returned to the great Douro valley convinced that we have the potential to make the best wines in the world. Out of respect for nature, due to the way we cultivate our vineyards, my wines reflect my experiences, which smell and taste of my land, of schist, damp granite, rock rose, wild flowers and fruit. It is in my winery that I make wines with the character of our ‘terroir’, expressed through native grape varieties, which I instil with a style of their own and an international profile.
This is my passion: wines from the great Douro valley.»
By Rui Roboredo Madeira