
Bairrada是一个葡萄牙酒区,位于葡萄牙贝拉省,由Lafões知识产权公司向北方出售,东经Dão DOC出售。. Bairrada的酒类分类最高,是Origem Controlada(DOC),位于大西洋附近,气候影响不大。. “Bairrada”的名称源自“Bairrada”。Barros....(克莱)由于该区域的灰土,这是 wine区域的一个重要特征。. 1979年被归类为古老的 wine区域,拜伦达的 wine因其高颜色的tan而闻名,这些 wine往往有灭.剂和黑 cur的lav子,以及新出现的ros鱼生产。. Wine在阳光下生长,使葡萄进一步成熟。. Bairrada主要生产桌子、白 wine和红 wine,该区域有几种主要的葡萄品种,包括红 cast果树、阿尔洛赫罗、卡马德、卡斯特里奥、贾恩、图林民族、阿拉贡兹;以及白色的麦戈麦斯、阿林托、博尔、拉博德奥韦哈、佛得角拉霍。. 下面的Bairrada wine是由白 Wine制成的,完全由白gra制成的,而这种消费理想是用轻餐和脑膜炎。. 白 wine的复健、体质和味,在春天和夏天都很理想。.


Caves São João Lote Especial 2014 White Wine
Caves São João Lote Especial 2014 White Wine

    Caves São João Lote Especial 2020 White Wine

    Wine House Portugal ,
    5/ 5
    <p>Convincing avant-gardism and tradition, Caves São João began the creation of sparkling wines in the year 30 and in 1959 the production and commercialization of bottled quality wines</p>
    Caves São João Lote Especial 2014 White Wine
    Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva White Wine
    Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva White Wine

      Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva 2018 White Wine

      Wine House Portugal ,
      5/ 5
      <p>Convincing avant-gardism and tradition, Caves São João began the creation of sparkling wines in the year 30 and in 1959 the production and commercialization of bottled quality wines</p>
      Quinta do Poço do Lobo Reserva White Wine
      Frei João Clássico White Wine
      Frei João Clássico White Wine

        Frei João Clássico 2018 White Wine

        Wine House Portugal ,
        5/ 5
        <p>Convincing avant-gardism and tradition, Caves São João began the creation of sparkling wines in the year 30 and in 1959 the production and commercialization of bottled quality wines</p>
        Frei João Clássico White Wine
        Caves São João 95 Anos de História 2014 White Wine
        Caves São João 95 Anos de História 2014 White Wine

          Caves São João 95 Anos de História 2014 White Wine

          Wine House Portugal ,
          5/ 5
          <p>Convincing avant-gardism and tradition, Caves São João began the creation of sparkling wines in the year 30 and in 1959 the production and commercialization of bottled quality wines</p>
          Caves São João 95 Anos de História 2014 White Wine
          Caves São João 96 Anos de História 1983 White Wine
          Caves São João 96 Anos de História 1983 White Wine
          • 没有库存

          Caves São João 96 Anos de História 1983 White Wine

          Wine House Portugal ,
          5/ 5
          <p>Convincing avant-gardism and tradition, Caves São João began the creation of sparkling wines in the year 30 and in 1959 the production and commercialization of bottled quality wines</p>
          Caves São João 96 Anos de História 1983 White Wine
          Aliança Reserva 2016 White Wine
          Aliança Reserva 2016 White Wine

            Aliança Reserva 2020 White Wine

            Wine House Portugal ,
            5/ 5
            <p>Bacalhôa Vinhos de Portugal, S.A., one of the largest and most innovative wine companies in Portugal, has developed over the years a wide range of wines that has earned it a solid reputation and the preference of national and international consumers.</p>
            Aliança Reserva 2016 White Wine
            Follies Touriga Nacional 和赤霞珠 2012 红酒
            Follies Touriga Nacional 和赤霞珠 2012 红酒

              Follies Touriga Nacional 和赤霞珠 2012 红酒

              Wine House Portugal ,
              5/ 5
              <p>Aveleda Follies Touriga Nacional 和赤霞珠呈深红宝石色,散发着浓郁的香气,辅以浆果、橡木和香草的香气。口感呈现出均衡的酒体,单宁柔和,整体优雅。.</p>
              Follies Touriga Nacional 和赤霞珠 2012 红酒
              Casa de Saima 2021年
              Casa de Saima 2021年

                Casa de Saima 2021年

                Wine House Portugal ,
                5/ 5
                <p>优质 wine的生产 Casa de Saima 位于拜伦达划界区中心,面积20公顷,面积20公顷, </p> <p></p> <p></p>
                Casa de Saima 2021年
                Quinta do Encontro Encontro 1 2012 White Wine
                Quinta do Encontro Encontro 1 2012 White Wine
                • 没有库存

                Quinta do Encontro Encontro 1 2015 White Wine

                Wine House Portugal ,
                5/ 5
                <p>Located in the heart of Bairrada, in São Lourenço do Bairro, where tradition in wine production goes back to 1930.<br />Inaugurated in 2007, Quinta do Encontro, a winery with the signature of the architect Pedro Mateus, is located in the vineyard landscape, in full harmony with nature, and is the result of a different and innovative vision of making and communicating the wines of Bairrada Region</p>
                Quinta do Encontro Encontro 1 2012 White Wine
                Aveleda Reserva da Família Bairrada 2015 White Wine
                Aveleda Reserva da Família Bairrada 2015 White Wine
                • 没有库存

                Aveleda Reserva da Família Bairrada 2016 White Wine

                Wine House Portugal ,
                5/ 5
                <p>Aveleda Reserva da Familia from Bairrada region will show all its splendour when drunk with baked dishes such as baked cod, delicate dishes involving white meats and cured cheeses</p>
                Aveleda Reserva da Família Bairrada 2015 White Wine
                Messias Bairrada Selection 2017 White Wine
                Messias Bairrada Selection 2017 White Wine

                  Messias Bairrada Selection 2019 White Wine

                  Wine House Portugal ,
                  5/ 5
                  <p>The company was founded in 1926 by Mr. Messias Baptista, who served as chairman until 1973. The management is still held by the descendants of MESSIAS family. <span id="result_box" lang="en" xml:lang="en">Since its foundation</span> that MESSIAS <span lang="en" xml:lang="en">has been producing and selling high quality wines from the main demarcated regions:</span> Bairrada, Douro, Dão, Vinho Verde, Beiras and Vinho do Porto. The company is also known for the high quality of its Champagne method Sparkling wines and aged Brandies</p> <p></p> <p></p> <p></p>
                  Messias Bairrada Selection 2017 White Wine