
PRATS & SYMINGTON现在是QUINTA DE RORIZ的所有人。. 通常,Douro PRATS & SYMINGTON在Douro DOC的生产中选择了大部分最优质的水果,批准港口 wine生产时装满了成熟的葡萄和那些被认为不太适合上表 wine的var。. 仅在特殊年份和条件允许的情况下,Vintage港的一小部分将装入Roriz庄园。.


Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2007 Port Wine
Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2007 Port Wine

    Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2007 Port Wine

    Wine House Portugal ,
    5/ 5
    <p>The Symington family, with Scottish, English and Portuguese ancestry has been present in the Douro for five generations — since 1882 — and through the current generation’s great grandmother, the family’s links to the wines of the Douro span 14 generations, to the mid-17th century and to the very beginnings of the history of Port</p>
    Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2007 Port Wine
    Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2003 Port Wine
    Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2003 Port Wine

      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2003 Port Wine

      Wine House Portugal ,
      5/ 5
      <p>The Symington family, with Scottish, English and Portuguese ancestry has been present in the Douro for five generations — since 1882 — and through the current generation’s great grandmother, the family’s links to the wines of the Douro span 14 generations, to the mid-17th century and to the very beginnings of the history of Port</p>
      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2003 Port Wine
      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2004 Port Wine
      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2004 Port Wine
      • 没有库存

      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2004 Port Wine

      Wine House Portugal ,
      5/ 5
      <p>The Symington family, with Scottish, English and Portuguese ancestry has been present in the Douro for five generations — since 1882 — and through the current generation’s great grandmother, the family’s links to the wines of the Douro span 14 generations, to the mid-17th century and to the very beginnings of the history of Port</p>
      Quinta de Roriz Vintage 2004 Port Wine