
O Duorum é um projeto inovador na região de Douro, criado por dois produtores de vinho português altamente respeitados, João Portugal Ramos e José Maria Soares Franco.

Estabeleceram o projeto em 2007 com o objetivo de produzir vinhos da mais alta qualidade a partir de alguns dos melhores terroir da região e plantaram mais de 150 hectares de vinhas com variedades de uvas indígenas cuidadosamente selecionadas.

Filtros ativos

Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2013 Port Wine
Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2013 Port Wine
  • Esgotado

Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2013 Vinho do Porto

55,35 €
Wine House Portugal ,
5/ 5
<p>Por mais de 20 anos, o nome João Portugal Ramos tem sido associado aos vinhos portugueses, primeiro como enólogo de consultoria para marcas de vinho conhecidas e desde 1992 como produtor de engarrafamento.</p> <p>O sucesso e os prêmios acumulados ao longo de sua carreira lhe valeram o reconhecimento nacional e internacional como um dos principais responsáveis pela evolução dos vinhos portugueses na última década.</p> <p>O Alentejo foi a região escolhida para produzir os seus primeiros vinhos. Em 1990, João Portugal Ramos plantou os primeiros cinco hectares de vinha em Estremoz, onde viveu desde 1988, iniciando seu projeto pessoal. Ela expandiu sua atividade além do Alentejo desde 1989, alcançando Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro e Vinho Verde</p>
Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2013 Port Wine
Duorum Vintage 2011 Port Wine
Duorum Vintage 2011 Port Wine

    Vinho do Porto Duorum Vintage 2011

    103,32 €
    Wine House Portugal ,
    5/ 5
    <p>Por mais de 20 anos, o nome João Portugal Ramos tem sido associado aos vinhos portugueses, primeiro como enólogo de consultoria para marcas de vinho conhecidas e desde 1992 como produtor de engarrafamento.</p> <p>O sucesso e os prêmios acumulados ao longo de sua carreira lhe valeram o reconhecimento nacional e internacional como um dos principais responsáveis pela evolução dos vinhos portugueses na última década.</p> <p>O Alentejo foi a região escolhida para produzir os seus primeiros vinhos. Em 1990, João Portugal Ramos plantou os primeiros cinco hectares de vinha em Estremoz, onde viveu desde 1988, iniciando seu projeto pessoal. Ela expandiu sua atividade além do Alentejo desde 1989, alcançando Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro e Vinho Verde</p>
    Duorum Vintage 2011 Port Wine
    Duorum LBV 2007 Port Wine
    Duorum LBV 2007 Port Wine

      Duorum LBV 2015 Port Wine

      15,60 €
      Wine House Portugal ,
      5/ 5
      <p>For more than 20 years, the name João Portugal Ramos has been associated with Portuguese wines, first as a consulting winemaker for well known brands of wine and since 1992 as a bottling producer.</p> <p>The success and the prizes accumulated throughout his career have earned him the national and international recognition as one of the main responsible for the evolution of the Portuguese wines in the last decade.</p> <p>The Alentejo was the region chosen to produce its first wines. In 1990, João Portugal Ramos planted the first five hectares of vineyard in Estremoz, where he has lived since 1988, starting his personal project. It expanded its activity beyond the Alentejo from 1989, reaching Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro and Vinho Verde</p>
      Duorum LBV 2007 Port Wine
      Duorum Vintage 2007 Port Wine
      Duorum Vintage 2007 Port Wine

        Duorum Vintage 2007 Port Wine

        92,25 €
        Wine House Portugal ,
        5/ 5
        <p>For more than 20 years, the name João Portugal Ramos has been associated with Portuguese wines, first as a consulting winemaker for well known brands of wine and since 1992 as a bottling producer.</p><p>The success and the prizes accumulated throughout his career have earned him the national and international recognition as one of the main responsible for the evolution of the Portuguese wines in the last decade.</p><p>The Alentejo was the region chosen to produce its first wines. In 1990, João Portugal Ramos planted the first five hectares of vineyard in Estremoz, where he has lived since 1988, starting his personal project. It expanded its activity beyond the Alentejo from 1989, reaching Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro and Vinho Verde</p>
        Duorum Vintage 2007 Port Wine
        Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2009 Port Wine
        Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2009 Port Wine

          Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2009 Port Wine

          61,50 €
          Wine House Portugal ,
          5/ 5
          <p>For more than 20 years, the name João Portugal Ramos has been associated with Portuguese wines, first as a consulting winemaker for well known brands of wine and since 1992 as a bottling producer.</p> <p>The success and the prizes accumulated throughout his career have earned him the national and international recognition as one of the main responsible for the evolution of the Portuguese wines in the last decade.</p> <p>The Alentejo was the region chosen to produce its first wines. In 1990, João Portugal Ramos planted the first five hectares of vineyard in Estremoz, where he has lived since 1988, starting his personal project. It expanded its activity beyond the Alentejo from 1989, reaching Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro and Vinho Verde</p>
          Duorum Vinha de Castelo Melhor Vintage 2009 Port Wine
          Duorum LBV 2012 Port Wine
          Duorum LBV 2012 Port Wine

            Duorum LBV 2012 Port Wine

            23,25 €
            Wine House Portugal ,
            5/ 5
            <p>For more than 20 years, the name João Portugal Ramos has been associated with Portuguese wines, first as a consulting winemaker for well known brands of wine and since 1992 as a bottling producer.</p> <p>The success and the prizes accumulated throughout his career have earned him the national and international recognition as one of the main responsible for the evolution of the Portuguese wines in the last decade.</p> <p>The Alentejo was the region chosen to produce its first wines. In 1990, João Portugal Ramos planted the first five hectares of vineyard in Estremoz, where he has lived since 1988, starting his personal project. It expanded its activity beyond the Alentejo from 1989, reaching Ribatejo, Beiras, Douro and Vinho Verde</p>
            Duorum LBV 2012 Port Wine